Company Laws and Regulations in Finland

Kuva Margit Mannila

Business ID - VAT number
Enterprises must submit a basic declaration to the trade register using the start-up notification, with which they may also apply for registration in the trade register, employer register, prepayment register and/or ID register.

Business ID number in Finland Y 1234567-8
International Business ID: FI12345678

 Act on the Monitoring of Foreign Corporate Acquisitions in Finland
Questions and answers about the Act on the Monitoring of Foreign Corporate Acquisitions (pdf) (27.2 KB) in Finnish and in English. (27.3.2023)

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment monitors foreign corporate acquisitions and serves as national contact point for the EU screening regulationy (pdf) (142 KB)   (27.3.20237)

Loans, guarantees and export financing

Key Finnish legislation governing the State’s special financing
  • Act on Credits and Guarantees Provided by the State-owned Specialist Financing Company (445/1998)
  • Act on the State-owned Specialist Financing Company (443/1998)
  • Act on the State’s Export Credit Guarantees (422/2001)
  • Act on the State Guarantee Fund (444/1998)
  • Act on State Guarantees to Companies Engaged in Shipbuilding or Shipowning Operations (573/1972)
  • Act on State Guarantees and Export Guarantees Granted to Industry for Investments Promoting Environmental Protection (609/1973)
  • Act on State Guarantees for Ensuring the Supply of Basic Raw Materials (651/1985)
  • Finnfund Act (291/1979)
  • Act on an interest equalisation company for publicly subsidised export and shipbuilding credits (1136/1996) (in Finnish and Swedish only)
  • Act on interest equalisation of publicly subsidised export and shipbuilding credits (1137/1996) (in Finnish and Swedish)
  • Accounting Act (1336/1997) and Accounting Ordinance (1339/1997)
  • Ordinance on the Accounting Board (784/1973)
  • A number of decisions by the Ministry of Trade and Industry, available in Finnish and Swedish only.

National legislation
  • Auditing Act (459/2007)
  • Government Decree on Auditing (735/2007)
  • Decision by the Ministry of Employment and the Economy on the qualifications of KHT auditors and HTM auditors (262/2008)
  • Decree by the Ministry of Employment and the Economy on chargeable services of the Auditing Board of the Central Chamber of Commerce and the Auditing Committees of local Chambers of Commerce (107/2008)
EU regulations
  • Directive 2006/43/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on statutory audits of annual accounts and consolidated accounts, amending Council Directives 78/660/EEC and 83/349/EEC and repealing Council Directive 84/253/EEC (8th Company Law Directive, Statutory Audit Directive)
  • Commission Recommendation on Statutory Auditors' Independence in the EU: A Set of Fundamental Principles (2002/590/EC).
  • Commission Recommendation on external quality assurance for statutory auditors and audit firms auditing public interest entities (2008/362/EC)
  • Commission Recommendation concerning the limitation of the civil liability of statutory auditors and audit firms (2008/473/EC)

Finnish patent and registration office. (27.3.2023).
The following statutes govern industrial property rights in Finland:
  • Patents Act 550/1967, Patents Decree 669/1980
  • Utility Model Act 800/1991, Utility Model Decree 1419/1991
  • Design Protection Act 221/1971, Design Protection Decree 252/1971
  • Trademarks Act 7/1964, Trademarks Decree 296/1964
  • Collective Marks Act 795/1980
  • Act on Trade Names 128/1979
  • Act on the Right in Employee Inventions 656/1967, Decree on the Right in Employee Inventions 527/1988
  • Act on the Rights in Inventions made at Higher Education Institutions 369/2006
  • Act on the Exclusive Right in the Layout-Design of an Integrated Circuit 32/1991, Decree on the Exclusive Right in the Layout-Design of an Integrated Circuit 946/1991
  • Act on Plant Variety Rights 789/1992, Decree on Plant Variety Rights 907/1992
  • Unfair Business Practices Act 1061/1978 (Industrial property rights 27.3.2023)

Ministery of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland (27.3.2023).
- Enterprises.

Lähteet ja lukemisto
Entrepreneur in Finland. (12.1.2023).

Establish business in Finland. Thomson Reuters. Practical  Law. (12.1.2023).
Ilmonen, K. (2022). Corporate governance laws and regulations (12.1.2023).

Mannila, Margit. (2015). Yritysoikeus. Perheyrittäjyys. (21.3.2016).

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27.3.2023 60 min/80 min
12.1.2023 20 min

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